Saturday, 7 May 2011


We have had a few members recently who have not been allowed to play at Pachesham because the staff there do not understand our agreement.  We are allowed 30 players at any one time to play 7 days a week at no charge and they DO NOT have to pay the additional £30.  All our players are entitled to book 7 days in advance and Phil Taylor (the owner of Pachesham) did mention RPFPGS at the AGM in March.  He explained the RP players were all members of Pachesham but, unfortunately, his brother, Max, and the staff do not appreciate this point.

I have spoken to Max and he now knows the situation and said he will advise the staff but I am not over confident the same scenario will not happen again.  Only those wishing to obtain an official handicap should become a full member of PPGC by paying the extra £30 via our Membership Secretary (Derek Seymour) – DO NOT pay any such monies to Pachesham.  Insurance, if required (it is not mandatory), can be obtained at a much better price elsewhere.

Our members are issued with RPFPGS membership cards – any problems, speak to Derek Seymour – and these should be produced at Pachesham if asked, as proof of membership.  When booking, mention you are an RP member and I have requested that, if Pachesham has any doubts/issues, to allow the player on the course but pass the name to me and we will handle internally.

Bag-tags are not issued to those who do not upgrade but this has been the case for some years and has no bearing on our agreement.

Our 15 yr relationship with Phil Taylor has been very good and he has always allowed a bit of “give and take” but sometimes the staff are not on the ball.  If you have any problems or comments, please send me an e-mail or call to discuss.

Best wishes,


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