Dear RPFPGS Member,
The Society AGM will be held on Saturday, 9th
January 2016, commencing 9.00 am at PPGC, followed by 6 or 12 holes.
This year’s AGM minutes are attached below and the Agenda for the 9th January is:
- Apologies for Absence:
- Minutes of 2015 AGM:
- Matters Arising (not covered under agenda):
- Captain’s Report:
- Treasurer’s Report & Membership Fees for 2016:
- Election of Officers:
· Captain:
· Treasurer:
· Membership/Handicap Secretary:
· Secretary:
· Events Organiser(s) – by competition (see below)
- Provisional Calendar of Events for 2016 To be confirmed by PPGC/organisers DATE ORGANISER(S)
· 19th April; Triangular Match @ Wimbledon Park
· End of May; Away Day at Tyrrell’s Wood
· June; Away Day at Slinfold David Sainsbury
· 17th or 24th June; Surrey OBs Competition - Clandon Regis
· 16th July; Society Day at Pachesham
· August; Away Day at Petersfield Alan Patrick
· 3rd September; Society Day at Pachesham
· October; Away Day – Hamilton Classic Jack & Peter Hamilton
. 10th or 17th Dec; Society Day at PPGC - Texas Scramble
- Any Other Business
you would like to assist the smooth running of the Golf Society by
standing for any of the positions above, please contact me beforehand or
surprise us on the day!
year, the meeting closed at 9.33 am and was followed by a few holes of
golf – the same is expected this year, so come prepared.
Happy golfing,
Graham Francis
Hon Sec - RPFPGS
01372 378 603
07970 19 27 06
Raynes Park Former Pupils’ Golf Society
Minutes of Annual General Meeting
10th January 2015 – start 9.00 am
Present: Chris Grice, Mike
Jardine, Derek Seymour, Graham Francis, Norman Thomas,
Mike Parsons, Tony Tuley, John Smith, Peter Hamilton,
Jack Hamilton
- Apologies for Absence: Alan Patrick, David Sainsbury, Peter Quilliam, Bridget Quilliam, Greg Francis, Brian Vennard, Warwick Logan, John Harvey, Mick Claxton, Derek Shaw, Margaret Shaw, Peter E Nicholls.
- Minutes of 2014 AGM: Accepted unanimously.
- Matters Arising (not covered under agenda): The Secretary asked if the day of the week for Away Days had been concluded. Tony Tuley said Thursday was marginally the favoured day.
the meeting, Tony confirmed that Friday was the most favoured day with 19 votes
against 17 for Thursday out of the 23 members who expressed a preference).
- Captain’s Report:
Firstly a belated
Happy New Year to you all
Looking back I feel
we have had another successful year:-
A full calendar of
away days and home based society days – thanks go to the organisers.
First year for some
time we have had representation from the school – with the Headmaster attending
the Texas Scramble.
The Wednesday
Evening Roll-up continued successfully, slightly down on attendees.
The format for the
Saturday morning roll-ups has been changed to encourage more attendees.
The first year we
have run the Aubrey Pengilly Putting Competition.
What to look forward to
This year we should
see the first School v RPFPGS match – scheduled for the first “society day” at
I look forward to
receiving any suggestions as to how you would like your society organised.
Perhaps a match
between PPGC and RP on a team format?
We have had a big
loss to the society with the departing of Peter E Nicholls, he has moved to
pastures new and may make a few celebrity appearances at some of our away days
or society days.
I look forward to the
next golf year with a target of everyone reducing their handicaps by at least 1
I would like to
take this opportunity to thank Tony & Graham for all they do to ensure the
society runs so smoothly,
Derek Seymour
asked why the current Saturday morning roll-up format is continuing, as it had
not attracted any more participants. The
Captain thought it had been quite successful and a vote was in favour of
retaining the system for the coming season.
- Treasurer’s Report & Membership Fees for 2015: The Treasurer’s report had been circulated to all with the AGM notification and Tony explained that, by cutting the food subsidies, we should break-even. Norman Thomas asked what balance the Treasurer thought we would have at the end of the year and Tony replied approximately £2-300.
John Smith emphasised that the £11,000 to
PPGC was only part of the payment and RPFPS had paid the balance (£15k).
Jack Hamilton asked if any arrangements had been
made with PPGC in view of the course disruptions. Graham Francis said we did not want money
back, so we took the view that we would negotiate an extension to our agreement
after it terminates in 2019, at no extra cost.
As we do not know the extent of the disruption, it is difficult to
predict what would be a reasonable period from our view-point but six months
may be a fair target.
Tony recommended that Society Day members should not
pay for Society Days at Pachesham and this change was in his report.
He also proposed that we donate £150 to the PPGC
Captains’ Charity.
Norman Thomas asked about balancing the budget with
a falling membership. It was suggested
that we may pick up new members from the school after the forthcoming match but
we were likely to lose a member or two each year and the Treasurer has allowed
for this scenario.
John Smith asked about the Prostate Cancer Charity
Day. The Golf Society could not support
this on its own, as it is £500 per 4-man team.
If RPFPS was willing to make funds available, then the Golf Society
could certainly field a team. John
Smith/Tony Tuley to progress.
Derek Seymour proposed the report be accepted;
seconded by John Smith – unanimous.
A vote of thanks to the Treasurer for managing and
presenting all matters financial.
- Election of Officers:
The incumbents were the only members to put their
names forward, so were elected nem con.
Captain: Chris Grice
Secretary: Tony Tuley
Secretary: Warwick Logan
Secretary: Graham Francis
Organiser(s) – by competition (see below)
Captain thanked all those who help the Society to operate smoothly.
- Provisional Calendar of Events for 2015: To be confirmed by PPGC/organisers
March; Society Day at Pachesham Match against the school - GF
April; Triangular Match @ Leatherhead GC Graham
End of
May; Away Day at Tyrrell’s Wood Chris
June; Away Day at Slinfold David
June; Surrey OBs Competition - Clandon Regis Derek
July; Society Day at Pachesham Derek
Seymour/Mike Parsons
August; Away Day at Petersfield Mike
Jardine/Alan Patrick
September; Society Day at Pachesham Tony
Tuley/Chris Grice
October; Away Day – Hamilton Classic Jack
& Peter Hamilton
Dec; Society Day at PPGC - Texas Scramble Norman
Thomas/Mike Jardine
All dates are subject to alteration and
members will be contacted in due course.
- Any Other Business
Mike Parsons asked how many holes will the
Saturday morning roll-up play when it becomes a 6-hole course. After a short discussion and a vote, 12 holes
won the day.
Graham Francis pointed out that the PPGC
“board” competitions are to be suspended for a year, so upgrading (£30) was
only for those who wanted to retain their handicap and play in PPGC
Medal/Stableford competitions.
The Meeting closed
at 9.33 am.
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